should I test? HELP PLZ

So I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and haven't had a period since getting my implant out in October of 2016. I've had 2 periods induced on me, but never started on it's own. So my doctor induced another period on me and wants me to start 3 months of the birth control pill and see if that regulates me after. Hubby and I had sex two days before my period was over (sorry TMI) and I didn't start my pill until 3 days after we had sex. Since taking my pill, I had 3 days of brown discharge, my boobs are so sore that even when I walk it hurts, bloating, constipation, cramping and also very nauseated and can really only drink water and eat something really light. I haven't been able to eat much the past few days because I feel like I'm about to yack. Looking at my pills, I have 6 days left before I start taking the placebo pills. Could I be pregnant? I feel so off and just weird, and I've never felt like this. I told my hubby we are getting tests but have yet to get them, because I'm unsure. Help ladies, what do you think I should do??