Trying after a miscarriage

In April of last year after the first time trying I found out I was pregnant! I was over joyed and I noticed it right away. I was cramping, I could smell someone smoking 3 cars ahead of me and I had no appetite. I was so excited, more than that my fiance was so over joyed. A week later I started bleeding, and I knew I was losing the baby. I didn't even get to see it or hear it yet. We decided once my levels went back down we were gonna start trying again, but my periods were never the same and it was really difficult tracking my ovulation. Over a year later and 3 months away from our wedding we are trying again. Every time I get those symptoms again I get hopeful, then I start bleeding a couple days later. I have a really hard time with this miscarriage. It is so discouraging and I'm really hopeful this time. Something tells me it stuck, even though it will be difficult to fit in my would be a nice surprise for our family on our wedding day!