Long Post - Advice needed!

Ok so here goes. AF was due 01st July but it showed up four days early. The first day was just pink spotting and watery. The second day was pretty much the same but a little more blood. Third day, normal af flow. Then bam, it stopped. So today is 3rd July, af has been finished for two days and it was significantly shorter than normal. Today I am cramping big time and I feel really 'wet' down below. All of a sudden today I have no been awash with nausea and dizziness. I also have a headache and am pretty darn tired. The cramps almost feel like ovulation pains but obviously they aren't. I took an OPK and there was an obvious line but not positive. I took two pregnancy tests and both are negative. Has this happened to any of you ladies and you ended up with a BFP? I just feel different. Thank you in advance for any help or advice x