Hubby not interested

Am i the only one?! We've been ttc for a year about and my husband likes sex but not interested when I am. He could have it once every 2 weeks. I need it 2-3 times a week. I've been <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> by cm and bbt and I finally got ewcm yesterday. I told him we have to BD so we can have a baby. He said ok ok in a few, I'm tired. Well I knew it wouldn't happen since he fell asleep on the couch-typical. 
Am I the only one? I have totally irregular cycles and we are lucky this cycle is on time! We only have a few hours to BD and if we miss the window, we won't get pregnant. What part of this doesn't he understand? We talk about it and he understands and says yes we do and it's time etc. Then when it is actually time, he has no interest!
I'm supposed to start clomid next month and quite frankly I refuse to go on hormones because he won't BD on my fertile days because he's "too tired". Boo freaking hoo. No one cares! It's my body and my hormones that will be affected by clomid so do me a damn favor and at least BD when we are fertile!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhh 
And I shouldn't have to put on lingerie for some show for him because he's being lazy. This is a two person team and a two person job. Why don't men understand.