can someone explain what IUI is?

My husband and I haven't used a condom in almost 10 years and have not conceived. I would have very painful periods and would cry myself to sleep.  I found out a few years ago that I had a prolactin problem. My body didn't release eggs because I was producing milk and it thought I was pregnant. When I asked my dr why did I have a period and why was it painful she explained that it was a build up in my uterine walls until it burst which would be my "period". I got my prolactin under control and my periods have been so much better but still no baby. I cut out dairy from my diet because the mucus built up in my body blocked my husband sperm from getting to the egg. It's also bad for my fibromyalgia. I have been dairy free about 3 years but still no baby. I've heard of clomid but I don't know what the next step should be. What test should I take to determine what method I should use?  And what is <a href="">IUI</a>?