Dumbo Gender Reveal!

We had to wait until 25 weeks before we could do our gender reveal party. We held it at our house on July 1 with just a small gathering of family, and a couple of friends who picked up the cake for us just in case the decorators forgot and wrote it on the top. It was such a blast! The best part is . . . IT'S A GIRL! Either gender would have made us happy, but now we can give our little one a name. So we are proud to announce that Melody Michelle will be arriving in Oct. 😍 Our nursery is Dumbo themed, so our cake has the saying from the movie when the stork delivers Dumbo to his mommy. 💕. I wish I could share the video. But since that is not possible, I'll just post a few pictures. We are already so in love with our little girl. We just feel so blessed. We had a miscarriage earlier this year and now to have this healthy little princess is a gift from God!! October can't come fast enough!