Help!!! Am I Pregnant!?

I need help!!! Who feels like I am pregnant?! I am on day 53 of my cycle. My last one was 47 days and the one before was 35. Prior to that I had a miscarriage on February 24th. 😢 I had sex the early hours of Sunday the 18th of June. Due to increased sex drive, one sided cramping, cm changes etc I suspect I ovulated June 21st. I had a 22 hour day Friday the 30th of packing, moving, and preparing for a trip. I noticed some weird random painful cramping that was in one area of my uterus that day on my lower right side. Intense enough I couldn't ignore it. If I wasn't moving I would have stopped what I was doing and relaxed but I had no choice. The following couple days July 1st and 2nd I experienced a medium amount of spotting. The next 2 days the 3rd and 4th were very light spotting days. I would NOT consider this a period! It was much lighter! Red/pinkish kind of watered down looking.  I took a pregnant tests this am and it was negative. I am experiencing a lot of what I experienced the last time I conceived. Which is much earlier then what is normal... Such as weird sharp twinges in the area I felt the cramping on the 30th that sometimes shoot down my right leg, nausea, some food aversions, wanting to eat and drink more, feeling hungry more often, wanting food I don't eat and not wanting food I typically love. I am more emotionally sensitive! I get irritable very easily and quickly, I am more emotional, I have cried over a few things I normally wouldn't, I feel off/weird/different. This happened to me last time I was pregnant!... I felt pregnant and knew I was but kept getting negative tests for a while!... I believe my 1st faint was 17 days past suspected ovulation and first BFP 19 DPO. I am a very sensitive and in tune with my body type of person. I feel pregnant!... I am shocked the test I took this morning was negative... If anyone wants to see it I did take one picture of the weird spotting yesterday morning because that was the first day I became convinced that I am... I also woke up yesterday and today feeing sick and my face is pale white! There is no color in my face at all. What do you lovely ladies think?