ttc and trying to stay positive

33, and started ttc 8 months ago. Trying to stay positive and not compare myself to others but it's hard. All of my friends who want children, have children and can't stop talking about babies, breast feeding and all the things I wish I had. :-/ My older sister who only tried for a few months is now 6 months pregnant with her third child. Husband has had medical concerns 6 months ago including a clotting disorder, and hemachromatosis and he now has very low energy, very low testosterone, and low sex drive. I feel for him and wish I could do more for him to feel better, but also get resentful when I'm doing all the research and changes to my health habits, and his habits are less than healthy and he doesn't seem to have any interest in changing them. Looking for advice or reassuring words from people who can understand what its like to ttc in our 30's.