How to tell my judgy mother


Hey yall. Found out yesterday that my husband and I are expecting our second child.

We are excited. However I am not excited to tell my mother. She was extremely mean and "heart broken" When I told her With my daughter. She loves my daughter now. When anyone ask me in front of my mom if we are going to have anymore she instantly says no.

My mother is very young and didn't want to be a grandma at all ( part of the reason why she hated that I was pregnant with my first)

I am 26 my husband is 30 this year. We own our own house, have two working big trucks, just bought a trailer, pay our own bills blah blah blah. We are responsible.

I know she will be stupid about it, thinking I will tell her this weekend when we aren't working. Any advise? Anybody else have gone through this?

I'm not scared but I don't want to listen to her bitch at me like I am 15 and need to be scolded.