Period brain or what?😒😒😒


Hey guys😥

So its my 21st birthday party in 4 days and im having a party lots of guests and everything😑

Since yesterday I have been thinking if it was necessary to throw a party I mean like it was not necessary or something and I dont think its worth all the money and effort 😑😑😑

But i really wanted a great party for months and have been planning it in my head🤓

Like evert time I was in a party I would be like " OMG i should definitly throw a great party and dance all night😍"

But now im more like "really?why did i put me in this?😣all the cooking and thinking what to wear😩😩😩"

I must say I do usually get this feeling and question everythink and go "meh😩"

Do yoy guys think Im crazy or something😂😣

I know its gonna be wonderful and Ill enjoy it but thats how I feel right😐

How can I overcome that😣😥😥😥😥