Is this cheesy?

A letter to my husband. I call him hunka.


I love being with you, there's no one else I'd rather be with or spend my time and life with. Being with you has brought joy to my life, you showed me how a lady, yes a lady should be treated. And you showed me true love between two people, and how it stand through the storms of life. You may not know this but you helped me get through depression, on the days I seemed fine, I was fine because you were there, just your presence made things better. Most of the time you couldn't help me because I wouldn't let you know what I was going through, but that wasn't your fault. You stood by me through all the bad times and didn't say a word. That's true love baby, you're true love. I never thought true love could be so real and perfect. But that's what you have showed me. You are the most kind, gentle, caring guy I have ever met. I couldn't be with a more perfect guy. You make my life complete. Our love will stand thought the rest of time, because baby, we were a match made in heaven. I love you babe.

Love, blah "

Is it too cheesy? Thank you if you read this!