My trap door won't open

My hubby and I have been TTC for over 2 years. I have tried pretty much everything except ART. We went to see a reproductive endocrinologist today. My OBGYN did the HSG in 2015 (tubes are open yay) and fibroids removed in 2016. The endocrinologist informed me I have a deviated uterus which should not cause fertility issues. I also found out I have plenty of eggs, but they are not being released, but medication can be used to release eggs. My hubby said my trap door wont open 😂😂😂. We all laugh at him. I also did bloodwork and he had a seman analysis. We go back for a follow up and lab results next week. I hope and pray we get great news. I just need to share this news because we have had a long, difficult emotional journey and it is very hard to talk abt TTC. Hopefully we will be expecting a baby soon.