he's acting different (long)

My husband started work today after being on paternity leave for 3 months and he's an amazing father. He helped me like no other and even did night shifts without hesitation to let me sleep and to bond with our baby girl but today he came home different. He works at a bank with a lot of women and we've been home all 3 months w the exception of a couple trips to my in laws and the mall and stuff but when I picked him up he was 100% concerned about the baby and didn't even ask about me at all which I love that he loves his baby but damn.... not even a "have you ate" "how was your day" & as I was putting on her bib so he could feed her bc he wanted to she moved her head and my finger accidently went in her eye but thank god it was the soft part tip of my finger and not the nail and he got mad and now he's ina weird mood with me and he just hasn't been loving or caring /: he also said "make the milk at least since dad has been at work all day to pay all the bills" he said it jokingly but idk it's just weird... does he like someone else.. or did he realize something going back to work..  ?