change of body..

Iliana • V•VIII•MMXVII 💙👶🏼 X•III•MMXX 💙👶🏻
So I was going through my SO photos and I find one that I had send last year with just my underwear like a tease type of pic. I wasn't skinny but I know I wasn't fat. I didn't have a perfect body but I was satisfied with it. When I saw it,. tears just started to come out and made me sad that I'm never going to look like that again. I'm 8 weeks PP and I'm beyond blessed of having my baby but I really really hate the fact that my body looks so nasty. It brings me down, makes me hate it so much. I don't feel pretty anymore or at least sexy. I can't pull anything anymore, nothing fits, I'm just comfortable with leggings and big loose shirts. I'm just so sad that my body turned out to be like this. I didn't get a lot of weight with my baby, my stomach was all baby and he really stretched me out. I don't blame him, never will. But I just hate the type of body I have. When I see girls out there with flat stomachs just showing it off breaks my heart that I'm never going to be able to wear shit like that. I just can't accept my body the more I look at it the more I hate it. I don't want to feel like this but when I'm about to shower and I see myself I cry and gets me so so sad. I don't even know if with time I'm going to just get used to it or just feel like this forever...