clomid 3 rounds, starting Femara

Zuly • Never stop trying!
Hello Everyone!
I'm new to this group and just wanted to share my experience so far!
I suffer from PCOS and we have been TTC for 3 years now. I was first seeing a doctor and after all of the ultrasounds, bloodwork and all other work ups, I was finally able to start Clomid in September of last year. I never really saw her except once or twice and mostly dealt with her staff. Here is the quick story...
- started first round of clomid (September 2016) and started with 25mg for 5 days and trigger shot. I had one follicle but not mature enough
Took a break until February 2017
- second round of clomid 50mg for 5 days and then trigger shot. I had nothing.
- 3rd round of clomid (March into April 2017) 150mg for 5 days, no trigger shot as there were no follicles.
The nurse told me that she would recommend <a href="">IVF</a> or injections as it didn't do anything to me. Mind you, I never got the results or other options from the doctor herself.
After this I finally decided to switch doctors. I started seeing someone new and since my tests were a year old already. I FINALLY got done doing all of the tests AGAIN (May & June) and now finally have an appt to see my doctor and go over a "plan". He actually got my PCOS under control and prescribed Metformin (2 a day). He mentioned putting me on Femara, but I have been researching it and it's effects which seem to be less than clomid. Can anyone provide feedback? I'm hoping it works. Any feedback is appreciated :)