Am I wrong to not want to go back on birth control


So first off, for anyone who have seen any of my previous post, this is not about the ex that keeps messaging me even though he has a girlfriend. This is about a guy I was seeing back in November and December. We still talk and get along well enough. He's made it clear he wants to have sex again. Except I'm not currently on birth control. He's completely aware of it. I told him he could wear a condom (big surprise, he doesn't want to). We've both been tested for stds so that's not an issue and neither one of us has had sex with anyone else since we broke up. I told him I don't want him to feel trapped if I got pregnant. He said he was willing to wait until I got on birth control again. I was on the shot the last time and I hated it. I do want kids, but I want to have kids with someone I'm in a relationship with. He made it clear that if we did have a baby together, we wouldn't be together (as in a relationship). If I do have sex with him, I'm going to insist that he wears a condom. We're suppose to hook up Friday night, but I'm going to cancel since my period just started. I've never been so grateful for my period to start.

So am I wrong for not wanting to go back on birth control? I'm 39, I have very irregular periods and I'm afraid I'll screw up any chance of getting pregnant if I ever do meet the right guy.

If I posted this in the wrong group, please let me know where I should have posted this.