Ladies what do I do?

I'm at the point in life where I'm almost done with college, a fanatic boyfriend/babydaddy. We have been together for 2 years and we have a beautiful little girl. We both adore her. We moved in together before she was born. We have always had a great and loving relationship but recently we have both been stressed out. My boyfriend is as what you call it the man of the house. He is too stubborn to let me pay anything and that has been the cause of our fights. But last night was the absolute worst night of my life and worst fight. He's kind of a one of a kind, once and life time kinda guy. I don't know how to explain it but he is absolutely wild about me and he has always shown it and when I tell you he makes me feel like

I'm the only girl he could ever look at or want I mean it. He won't even so little as watch porn. ( I wouldn't mind, everyone has needs) but him he can only get off to me and can only get hard for me. There for our bedroom life is amazing expect I would like to be able to watch porn with him but the one time we tried he couldn't get hard but the second we turned it off and it was "just him and I" he got a hard rock dick right then and there. He makes me feel so beautiful ladies.. you have no idea. He is so great with our daughter as well she can't get enough of him smiles at every sight of him. When I had my c-section he was there every night to help me in the hospital to go pee, change my pad from all the blood, feeding me, helping me walk. He has seen me at my worst and didn't bat one eye he still saw every once of my beauty even tho I know what I looked like. He brings me flowers home when he thinks I'm feeling blue or brings me my favorite snacks when comes home. But last time we had the worst fight and our daughter was already sleeping but he had a really horrible day and he came home and of course I tried to comfort him and it worked but I had paid our electric bill so he didn't have to worry about it and he was so hurt and upset because he wants to provide for the woman he wants to give the world but it ended up getting heated and yes I will take a lot of the responsibility because I did kinda of snap because I want to help to. I want to be able to give him the world too but he says all he needs is me and our daughter. Anyways it just escalated and to the point we were outside yelling at each other and I told him we need to take a break and I would go to my parents for just the night well he took it as I was leaving him and he goes in his car and grabs his gun and puts it in his mouth when I tell you my heart fucking dropped and my stomach turned I screamed for him to please take it away from him and to put it down. He was in tears begging me to please not take our daughter and myself to my parents and to not leave him. I finally calmed him down and go the gun away and of course I locked it up his our chest but I am getting a new lock today and I'm not giving him a key. I love him with all my heart but that.. that bothers me and he said he doesn't know why he reacted that way and promised me he would never scare me that like again.. that is not fair to me nor his daughter. I don't know what to do.. what are your thoughts and how would you have reacted..