I need advice

Good Morning All:

I'm writing because I have a concern about what's happening to me. So I had sex on June 17th. Which according to GLOW I was actually ovulating that day. Well I last had my cycle on May 27th(yes about 6 weeks ago) So at first I was thinking ok maybe it's late no biggie. Well I was supposed to get it on June 26 and it still hasn't came yet. I feel the pulling as if it's gonna come but I go to the bathroom and nothing is there. Now the symptoms I'm have can be associated with my cycle such as bloating, appetites change, fatigue so forth and so on. But the only big changes is I get full very quick and I have a constant craving for coffee(I never drank coffee in my 26 years of life until a few weeks ago) Anywho I took a test last Friday and it was negative. So what should I do now? Help please 😩