MIL babysitting, do I instruct or let the know it all do her thing?


We all have experienced the passive aggressive comments from our MILs about our parenting skills. So my MIL isn't too bad at all, but will be babysitting this weekend for the first time since my LO was 4 mos. ( she's now almost 1 and running around super curious) She is not good about napping while at other people's house and we of course have a sleep routine. So my question is since the phrase I hear all the time from her is "I think I'll do just fine, this is not my first rodeo." Should I give specific instructions or minimal and just let her deal with it her own way?


Thanks ladies I think I will give her the basics and important info and just let the rest go. She's an amazing woman so I'm sure she'll be fine and like some have said it's one day.