Opinions please

Jordyn • Jordyn. 27. Pansexual. Fetlife. Poly. Single. Pregnant with #1

Wasn't sure where to put this post at. Just looking for opinions. My cycle is all over the place. So it's really hard for me to indicate what's going on. I ended my period on June 2. Yesurday (June 5th) I had extremely stretchy discharge. Today (June 6th) I had lots of creamy discharge in my panties and I wiped and it was still stretchy and just really wet down there and a mild odor. Not like a bad odor. Just like a very mild odor. I thought it was weird because usually after my period I have a dry spell. I only sometimes notice when I ovulate. Never have I ovulated early. I've looked t up and seen that ovulation early can happen, but with my ovulation. Pain is usually involved. Idk. Just looking for opinions. Thanks guys