PLEASE I neeeed sleep training advise

MamaBear🐻🌼 • 26, Mom of two-proud Navy Wife & SAHM

I have a 6 month old.. He sleeps in bed with me which wouldn't be such a problem except he still wakes all night long and I have to go rock him back to sleep if he totally wakes.. and he nurses all night to stay asleep..

Also I can't put him down at bedtime he won't let me leave his side! 😩

Also his naps suck too.. he does a combo of on me and in his swing.........

I tried the Ferber method and to me it was a fail but maybe I need to push through harder..

He took over an hour to fall asleep at first he slept for 45 min but by his second and third waking he was up every 5 min he just wouldn't stay asleep just wouldn't stop I gave in by midnight (we started at 6:45)

I'm so torn because I HATE letting him cry but I feel like if I don't do something now he will never sleep in his own bed and I'll never have my evenings back.

I feel like I'm doing the wrong thing either way 😭

I know there's gentler methods but I would be up absolutely all night trying to put him in his bed and soothing him.. he just hates it! And cries anyway.

Im at a loss I don't even know what to do 😭 I've been trying everything. he won't even stay asleep in his swing at night just to break the habit of my bed and being next to me..