Venting about new sister in law. She's pissing EVERYONE off!!


Okay this is long.. I am sorry for that. I just need to vent about this!

My husbands little sister (22) let's call her Jill. is dating this guy, let's call him Joe (33). The whole relationship has been and continues to be built on lies.

He's been having an affair with her sense she was 19 or 20, (just a few months before I met my husband in October of 2015). It started out as they worked together, and then she found out he was going to the gym and she figured out his gym days and times and started going when he was gonna be there. Him and his wife were having some issues but he was wanting to seek out counseling to fix their marriage because they have a 4 year old son together. Jill spent a lot of time convulsing Joe to leave his wife. He even told Jill last summer that they needed to stop seeing each other, which put Jill in an awful mood. She did good about not texting him while we were on family vacation but once we got back she waited for him at the gym and told him it was her or his wife. He finally told his wife about her a week or two after we got home, last July 2016. Obviously the wife sent her a hateful message. It wasn't a couple of weeks after that, he moved out, and Jill moved in with him!!

So there we were two weeks out from family vacation, (now keep in mind, I just got married and if you read my last post about needing advise on bridesmaids you'll know some of the things I was dealing with and Jill was one of the girls giving me a rough time. BUT I was nice and let it go) when Jill and Joe decide to last min to come AND then decided to bring his kid. love kids! I am a teacher but, the family had a sleeping arrangement based on how many people were going, and people who helped pay for the house got their own room. Jill calls us up saying "ok well i know mom and dad said that y'all could have your own room this year, but we have decided to bring his kid so when we get there y'all need to move out, either sleep on the bunkbeds or get your own beach house.." We were like um no.... but when the time came we let them have our room that we paid for so they could have a place to put his kid to sleep.....

That brought his kid down in the living room every morning where we were on an air mattress trying to sleep, and all the other rooms were, screaming, being loud and wake everyone up at 6 AM!!! Like what?! You have a room with tv and his playstation and your gonna come sit right behind us and watch tv and be loud??!!!

They got engaged the second day they were there.. he was suppose to do it at universal studios but no one could afford to be there. I helped with the engagement trying to be nice. That night she was kinda being pissy about me and her brother helping with it, their dad said "hey at least you have a sister in law who is nice and loves you enough to help. And to be fair jason had a plan..." she cut him off saying "oh I know and I wasn't worth the Money for any of y'all to come".

Then Jill wanted me to take a walk with her so I did. She was telling me about how joe wasn't a bad dad and the boys mom isn't a bad mom but I know how to raise him, I know what's best for him. Which was the point that pushed me over the edge. I didn't say anything. But I also haven't spoke to her sense then. I have step parents and never once did they try and tel my mom or my dad how to raise me.

Ugh we are all just so aggravated with her. And she can't figure out why. She doesn't think she did anything wrong. They have lied to Nanna saying he's been divorced sense last august.... nope. He got divorced in march. And already proposing. And they were both making comments about him spending 3000$ on her ring and how they felt bad for me because my husband only spent 400$ WHICH I might add that I LOVE my ring and My husband had me pick out a couple for him to choose from, I didn't want him spending a lot of money, I didn't need that. Joe was (after being asked not to) drinking, right in front of their dad who is an alcoholic and has been sober for 20 years. It's such a mess. And Jill keeps asking me to hang, and if I'm upset. And I'm just trying to stay out of it all..... and my husband shares the same frustration with me.

I'm just in that learning curve of when it's okay for me to get upset and when it's okay for me to say something. And when to keep my mouth shut. But like I said. This was mainly a rant.