Daddy is jealous of our bond and thinks our baby hates him. ☹️


Does anyone else have a very young baby that prefers mommy over daddy? Especially when she's tired and fussy? My baby is 6 weeks old and her daddy loves her very much. He makes it a point to spend time with her every day. But for the last three days or so whenever she gets overtired or fussy she just wants me to hold her, not her daddy. He's pretty upset over it and feels like she doesn't like him. I tried explaining to him that we were LITERALLY connected for 9 months, and that my body and the sound of my heart and my voice is what's most familiar to her. I'm also breastfeeding so she often falls asleep in my arms or in my lap after nursing. I'm trying to convince him that given time, there will be times when she just wants her daddy. He has a great sense of humor and I know when she gets a little older she'll find great joy in the funny faces/noises etc. he'll do to make her laugh and the little games he'll play with her. Has anyone else experienced this? Either a baby that seems to prefer mom or a significant other that was jealous of their mother/baby bond?