Breastfeeding... so MANY negative comments!

Of the few I have shared my goal of breastfeeding with (because they asked) all have been SO negative about it. "Oh, good luck. It's a nightmare." "OMG, breastfeeding SUCKED." "Have fun trying to time your pumping times around your work schedule or finding a place to do it privately." "Why would you do that when it's so easy to just make a bottle?!" "Your boobs will never be the same..." Had anyone else had this issue? I have tactfully told everyone that I am going to try my best, and that I am not opposed to quitting, IF it is not working out for the benefit of my baby, NOT me. I am prepared to make time for breastfeeding, and sacrifice my breast appearance, comfort, and leaking to do so. How do you handle the rude comments? Do you just not answer the question?