30 weeks + 5 days And leaking amniotic fluid😲😲


So I went to my OB today and told him how I have been leaking this clear fluid.. some times it has a very slight pink hue to it and others it's more clear. Nothing is in it so it's not a discharge. It's not sticky or has any smell. Did the pad challenge a friend told me about ( wear a pad for two hours to measure how much is leaking).

It's about the size of a cleansing cotton pad.

Told my Doc and he didn't seem to think anything of it. Told me I was just spotting or my mucous plug was dissolving....

Anyone else having this going on?

My husband is deployed and won't be back for 5 more weeks. Reading the internet freaked me out and now I'm having anxiety about preterm labor. Ugh.



So today I was still leaking and having cramps/intense pressure across my bump. Told my OB and off I went to the ER. Was taken up to Labor and Delivery Triage. They did a few swab test to see if I broke my water & if I'd go into pre term labor. Thankfully both were negative. They did an ultrasound to check my fluid, cervix and the baby. My fluid was less then they like so I got two IV bags. Then was sent home. Baby looks great. Everything is normal.

Going to see my OB again on Tuesday.

Very thankful that my little boy is safe & staying in the oven!!