Trip to the ER.. heartbeat❤️❤️

Alexis • 21 years old. Married to my favorite airman 💕💕

So the last two weeks I've been super super HOT! So hot I can't sleep more than 2 hours at a time without waking up drenched in sweat.. so hot we froze our AC trying to keep me cool and I was sleeping with ice packs. My temp was ranging in the 100s and didn't seem to want to go down! I was dizzy, and having pain in my abdomen! And my belly is huge (7 weeks 5 days) so eventually my mom and I started to get worried wondering if I could have an infection ( a month and a half ago I had a UTI that ended up putting me in the ER) again! So I go in. And I'm super super worried. Not only is an infection bad for me but it could hurt my baby! So I go in they do urine. She said came back normal. They started an IV hung a saline drip. And pushed pepto. Hoping to ease my stomach pain. They couldn't find heart tones on the doppler. So they sent me for an ultrasound. They couldn't find the baby or a heartbeat from my stomach so ended up doing a transvaginal ultrasound. And almost immediately there was the baby! Heart beating away wiggling its little nubs! The baby is healthy. Thank goodness! But they still can't figure out why I'm having so much pain and so HOT. Have any of you experienced bad symptoms early?