8 months 3 weeks girl weight

My daughter is one week shy of 9 months. We will have the 9 month appointment coming up soon, so I'll definitely see what the pediatrician says as well. I just want some mommy input from you wonderful gals.

She's 23 lbs. My best friend has a boy, that's two weeks older than my daughter and he's 18 lbs. She doesn't look over weight. She does have the chubby cheeks, like any other baby. But otherwise, she's absolutely healthy.

She's formula fed. Takes 6 oz every 3 to 4 hrs. On stage 3 solids. She gets healthy snacks in between feedings, more to get her used to foods, than anything. Little piece of banana, or puffs, or a piece of small chicken, etc.. and she does eat cereal in a bowl with a bit of formula , as her bedtime routine.

My question is - should I be worried that boys (aren't boys supposed to be heavier?) Older than her, weight 5 lbs LESS than she does?

What was your babies weight by the end of the 8th month?