Worst week of my life.. long story..


I had finally got my BFP after a year!

It was the happiest moment of my life. I remember yelling to my husband, come look come look! I see a line. It's happening..

He was scared to get excited.

Next day I took 2 more with fmu.. faint but positive.

Took a digital 2 days later and it said yes!!

Finally said yes!! 💖💖

Made an apt with my family Dr since I couldn't see my ob for 2 weeks.. so excited.

I called my sister and my best friend they were so happy.

Then at 7pm July 5th I started bleeding, I freaked.. yelled for my husband downstairs.. he came running I told him I'm bleeding I need my phone to call my sister(he didn't know about the digital test yet)..

I called my sister sent her a picture and was just losing my mind.. she thought it could be implantation bleeding told me to just relax and wait for my apt the next day..

So I finally showed my husband the digital test.. he was soo excited. He immediately fell to his knees and hugged/kissed my stomach.

The bleeding didn't seem heavy I had nothing on the pad the next morning.

I was excited about that.. thought everything was going to be good..

Dr did a urine test... took them what seemed like years to come back in the room...

Only to tell me it was negative and I was most likely having a miscarriage... I was shocked.. how could this be... why tell me I'm pregnant then take it from me... she never did an US.. she took some blood and sent me home..

5:15pm that night they called and told me it is definitely a miscarriage.. they asked if I could get in the see my ob sooner than July 17th.. but no-one else is available until then..

I have had heavy bleeding and a few clots but nothing that would seem to be our baby.. I was 7 weeks... I don't know how to get through this.. or how to cope.. this was our first baby.. I'm scared to ever get excited over a positive test again.. Will I ever overcome that? Do I have the patience to keep going?.. we are lost..

If you read this far thank you so much for reading my story.. if you have advice I'd love to hear it. Again thank you. 💖