Facial Hair

Liyah • 💛Mama of three💛

I've had facial hair since I was little. I don't have PCOS having a ton of hair runs on my moms side of the family. I doesn't bother me but I recently started wearing makeup more and I feel like it goes on much smoother with a clean face. I've tried waxing, threading, and those little razors.

Waxing: Not expensive but the pain is ridiculous. Plus my face is very sensitive and I break out so bad from it which results in me not being able to wear makeup.

Threading: it feels like I'm plucking my whole face lol not a big fan and it takes forever. I have tons of hair on my cheeks chin under my chin and upper lip and sideburns that grow all different ways.

Razors: not too bad but my hair grows back way too fast and no matter how slow I went I always got I growns on my chin for some reason.

The lady who waxes my face recommended this cream because my face broke out really bad the last time she did it. I know a lot of people are not fond of the creams but it worked like a gem! All the hair was gone I'm 5 mins and no break out or anything. I was very skeptical because of how many bad reviews of it burning their face but I recommend doing a test spot. I did mine on my coarser hair and it seemed fine. Yes the smell is horrid but from a girl who's very hairy it feels great to find something so easy and cheap ($4 at Walmart)

Side note : my hair doesn't look too bad because it was growing in from the wax and on the other picture sorry I look crazy lol I woke up and took a picture for my bestie