Blamed for food poisoning 😡😡

Hayley • ~IT'S A GIRL!! 💕baby # 2 due May/June 2019~ 💙William Jack 17-08-17 💙

My aunt, uncle and grandparents came over for tea and coffee the day before yesterday and my aunt brought leftovers from on of our relatives kids bday parties from about a week before...

Some back story-- we don't see my grandparents very often or really any of my family as my partner and I like to keep to ourselves and usually find family things a bit awkward. My partner is also a very quiet person and doesn't speak around most people and I know my family finds it odd so we see them less now.

But I'm almost 9 months pregnant and my grandparents wanted to see me so we were happy to have them over for tea even though it was probably going to be uncomfortable.

So they came over, we had tea and coffee and ate the leftovers my aunty brought and it was fine... But then yesterday (the day after) my aunty rang and said my Nanna had gotten really sick with a cold/flu again and couldn't make it to my baby shower this weekend.

And today she rang and left a message that my Nanna had been up all night with my grandpa who'd been vomiting with a fever and obviously had food poisoning... She said both happened after the visit to my house as to try to blame me for it!!!

I sent her a message saying it was more likely they picked up the germs from the week old leftovers from the kids party than from boiling water and fresh milk 😑

It made me feel so horrible that the whole family probably thought our house was so germy we'd made them that sick. (even though our place is so clean) And I know they already judge us for my partner being so quiet and neither of us working or being that social. (my partner recently lost his job and I left work early in my pregnancy)

I couldn't believe she's actually try to blame us for it 😡 and THEN to top it all off, she sent me a message saying she was joking and that my grandpa probably just got sick from something my Nanna made... But I'm sure they still actually think it was us.

Sorry for the rant, just needed to get it out 😂😂