Sex Drives


I've recently begun to notice that my bf & I have different sex drives. At first, we were about the same, always all over each other because it was a new relationship & all. I've never had a high sex drive, but it's never bothered me before. However, he's started to complain because he feels that every time we we have sex, it's because he "has to get me in the mood first" or he "is making the first move all the time" & he wants to make sure that I actually do want sex; he doesn't want to pressure me. I've assured him that he isn't, (because I've said no when I truly didn't feel like doing it, & it was fine) but he still feels like there's something wrong. I'm still attracted to him, & when we do have sex it's always amazing. I've just always needed a slight nudge I guess (in all my relationships). Any tips? On how to make my sex drive be higher or on how to explain to him that it's just not on my mind as much?