I'm taking some meds to induce a period


I haven't had a period for 81 days now so my obgyn gave me some meds for ten days, to induce a period. My ~cervical mucus~ or discharge (I think they're the same thing) has been super thick because I haven't ovulated. So once my period does finally come, it's probably going to be crazy heavy, i think. That makes sense right?

Also she did some bloodwork, and all my hormone levels and results came back normal. So that most likely rules out things like pcos (I'm getting an ultrasound just in case), and the only issue with my periods is that I'm just super irregular/I'm not ovulating.

She suggested some birth control like the pill and the patch in order to regulate my periods. But if my hormone levels are in fact fine and everything turns out normal besides irregularity, I want to get something that lasts longer, like the implant or an iud (neither of which would really regulate me but they are 99% effective).

I guess not ovulating is a concern, but if everything else is fine then I don't think there'd be a problem with not trying to fix it, yknow? (Sorry if this post is kinda all over the place btw)

Tldr: my periods are out of whack, but since there's no other problems and I'm not ttc, I don't have to fix that right?