Baby Fever!!!

Oh my gosh I have the worst baby fever!!! My boyfriend (of over two and a half years) and I aren't married yet, we're both in college, and I'm on birth control so we are not planning on starting a family anytime soon! BUT a ton of my friends are having babies and my summer job is at a kids pottery painting place, so mom's are always bringing in their babies, and I just really want one!!! Anyone else have the worst baby fever but aren't at a place in their life where they can have one?? 
(P.S. - I'm not saying having a baby outside of marriage, or during college, etc. can't work for some people it's just not something I want to do during this time in my life. I personally want to be married and be in the work force first. Also the picture attatched is of my boyfriend and I with my cousin's baby at Thanksgiving!)