Nervous, may be TMI

Terry • Mom of 3 boys ♡

Hey there! I'm a mom of a 5 year old, and currently pregnant with my second. After 2 1/2 years of ttc. I'm 15 weeks along, and a couple of days ago I started getting an uncomfortable pain from my vag... yesterday, same thing, but a little worse. And I hadn't had any intercourse for a few days prior to that. Today, my s/o and I did, and during it, I got that pain and a burning feeling from my vag.

Went pee afterward, and there was blood (not from my urethra, but from my vag), not a lot, but some. And I know spotting is normal, but I never had bleeding with my first, and have had sex plenty of times so far and haven't had bleeding. I'm trying not to be scared... because I feel getting scared and upset and panicking is unnecessary right now... But, well, I am scared. Any mama's out there with the same problem at all in their pregnancies?