If you are a homophobe or feel transphobic, move along.

Lately I've been having these thoughts, whether if I feel more close being a girl or guy. I'm 13, yes I'm guessing threw your mind you're thinking "omg she's so young and so stupid. She doesn't know anything". Ignore my age for a second. These thoughts started occurring last year, but I tried my best to ignore them. If I could've been born a boy I would like it better, but thinking about transforming into a boy. Thinking about how much I would have to go threw is a lot. What would I look like? Would I look weird? How would other people proceed me? Well, I'm not sure if I can do that, i don't know what I should do. I've only ever told one person in my life that I trust. I wouldn't say I'm 100% transgender. Maybe its just a faze. I hate labeling, I feel like other people just put LBGTQ kids in a corner like we're some kind of freaks. I don't know what to do, whether I should talk to someone or just wait a bit to see how I feel. But I don't want to wake up one morning in my 30's regretting being a girl. I always hear people saying "do what's right for you". But what if I didn't know? What should I do?

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