Need some help and advise!

SharLene • #girlmom💓

I am 19 weeks and 5 days I have been feeling my baby move since 18 weeks but this week she hasn't moved as much she may move one time every 5 to 6 hours I went to the emergency room yesterday do to severe back pain and stomach pain and they checked her and she wasn't even moving on the ultrasound they did but they didn't seem worried about it she was measuring 20 weeks and 5 days and her heart was fine I'm hoping since they didn't say anything about it. They said everything was fine but they also told me they didn't deal with stuff like pregnancy a whole lot.. when I first started noticing her move she would so much when I would lay down I could see my belly looking like it was jumping up and down. To where now when I lay down I may not even feel her and if I do it's one time and I can barely tell if it's her or not. So I guess what I'm asking is? Is it normal for baby's this young to be extremely active one week and not at all the next I'm so scared due to this is my first child and I've waited so long to get to feel my baby and now I don't feel her anymore I'm worried if she is sick or if something may be wrong!