Fever with teething

Jesse • 5-15-13 👦🏻 10-20-16 👶🏼 July 2017 👼🏻👼🏻 7-8-19🌈 👶🏼 boy mama 💙💙💙

Anyone experience high fever while their baby was teething? Our first child always got a nasty cold whenever teeth were coming in - running nose and low grade fever - but was always very happy.

This time around our little guy has been running a fever anywhere from 102.8-104.4 the past 24 hrs with 0 symptoms. We took him to urgent care and they told us to just give him Tylenol and that he's teething. He's super irritable, tired, cranky, and hot. We have him Tylenol and the fever has gone down, but I still can't help but think this isn't teething.

Anyone else experience this?