Reoccurring dreams..

So I've been having the same 2 dreams for over a year now. I was in a very bad relationship back in 2014. My ex boyfriend and I were together for a long time. It ended up being physically abusive and I was scared to leave him. I ended up being brave enough to leave him after several broken bones and countless threats. He never sexually abused me though. So I've been having this dream that he is raping me. And the only things that are different each time are the clothes. I don't understand why this is happening because I've been in a few relationships after that one and I am not scared of him. I also have another dream of my sister who is 5. We are running in a field and before I can see the cliff my sister falls off of it. No matter what I can not save her. My sister and I aren't very close. see has lived with my mother since she was born and I have not lived with my mother for 11 years now.. Does anyone understand these dreams? And does anyone know how I can stop them?