I need advice and possible prayers..


I've lost track of days now (especially with starting a new job). Although my periods are kinda irregular, they have been good to me the past few months. Im at least 2-3 weeks late for my period. Around the time I should have started my period I had what I think was implantation bleeding. From that day I've had symptoms that make me believe I'm pregnant. BUT I get negative home pregnancy tests. Well, I see the faintest of a line but my husband doesn't see anything so it makes me think I'm crazy and there's nothing really there. Symptoms keep getting stronger everyday. The headaches, the cramps and the nausea. Breasts aren't too sensitive but they get these aching pains randomly at least every day.

Mostly last week I had major heartburn as well and I NEVER get that. It would interrupt my day it was so severe. It's died down and I barely feel the heartburn. I can tell it's kinda there some days but not as major anymore (thank goodness 🙏🏻)

I know what most of you are going to say, that I should go to the doctors. I have no insurance and really don't want to pay a couple hundred dollars for a doctor to tell me I'm not pregnant and that nothing is wrong. I need some advice. Has anyone been in my boat before???