Weather in July/August in California


Can all the lovely ladies in California give me advice on how the weather is in July/August. I am going to be coming to California for my summer holidays in one and a half weeks. I will be there for five weeks with my baby boy and my eleven year old daughter and two teenage niece God help me. We will be staying in San Francisco for two weeks. Santa Monica for two week and Beverly Hills for one week. As my baby will only me almost 14 weeks he needs a awful lot of stuff. I won't take to many wet ones and nappies as I will buy them when I them. What brand of wet ones and nappies would you recommend. I use pampers in the uk I know it sounds silly do you have pampers in the states. And what sort of clothes should I bring with me. We have been to LA quite a few times but it has always been in Oct/Nov. I have never been to San Francisco before could you recommend any places for four children of different ages. Any nice place to and and most important where do I go for retailers therapy. My poor hubby and eldest son won't be joining me for the first four weeks as someone will have to look after the businesses but God willing they will join us the last two week in Beverly Hills and New York. I just hope they don't get stopped in immigration with there Muslim names🙏🏻 whoop whoop I can't wait for our holiday and God help me with three hormonal girls and one very demanding little man 🙏🏻