Being Naked

My SO and I have been together two years, we have a beautiful little girl, he saw me labor for 3 days, he was in the OR during my c section (saw all my insides), occasionally if I forget something before I take a shower I'll go get it not covering up since it's just the three of us. But he ALWAYS covers his stuff up with his hands if he has to come get something. It doesn't matter if our baby is here or asleep or at her grandparents he always covers his area up and gets what he needs and runs back in the bathroom...... we've made a child together so I mean I've seen it!!!! It's not like I haven't seen it before so I really don't understand why he covers up. For example, the other day he was in the shower and he needed a towel so I brought it to him and when I open up the door he has his leg up to were I can't see his junk. I laugh because some of the poses he makes to cover up is truly hilarious! Also, sometimes he sleeps naked (he's on a rotating shift) so when I come to bed if he's sleeping naked he will say don't cuddle with me I'm naked. Like what? But I just don't understand. Does anyone else's man do this? Is this normal for men? Or is my man just weird? 😑