Baby # 2...?!

Jasmine-Rae • Have 2 little ones, one day I may have another one if I can find the right person to settle down with that treats mine like his own ♥️

So, I'm a little nervous about this 2nd positive pregnancy test. Our daughter just turned 2 on the 2nd of July!! We are in no way ready for baby #2 but, I know that's what everyone says and it always works out. So, I am trying to be as upbeat as I can but have a couple of issues that I now have to figure out! I just started my new job a little over a month ago now, which means I won't have health insurance through my company for a few more months. I'm currently UN insured. 😩 (My Husband's insurance through work is WAY too expensive to add myself and our daughter, or even just myself) and my daughter is still on Medical-Cal. So I'm the only one without. Combined- my Husband and I make too much (even though we are always broke - I live in CA where it's just too dang expensive) we don't qualify for Medi-Cal. & clearly I don't have enough to pay for out of pocket pregnancy related Dr visits.... so I'm freaking out about that (and that's a major issue!!) 2nd.. I could be nearly 2 weeks pregnant or nearly 8 weeks. My last period was from June 20th to the 23rd. Which would have put me at 1 week and 3 days pregnant when I took my test (July 7th). I took a test and the positive line showed up quick and dark. My period in May, sets me back further and gives me a due date of February 22 2018. I had been feeling very nauseous the week leading up to Friday (July 7th) but because it's been so hot outside, and I work outside a lot with my clients I kept just chalking it off to not enough water or heat exhaustion etc. until I threw up the day before I tested positive =\. I'm wondering why on earth I had a period, if I was already pregnant? I'm irregular too, so that makes things 10x harder to pinpoint!! Exactly why I need to go to the Dr.'s and see what is going on, but I can't!!!!! So- I am adjusting to being pregnant again, but it's too hard to be excited about it! My hubby has been in such a foul mood too :( I won't ever get an abortion as it would crush my soul and I'd never be the same again. My Husband knows this so he won't push it but I feel like he wishes I'd give it thought. Sorry for such a rambling rant. But I just needed for others to see this that may be in my boat or have been in my shoes at some point!!