Baby boy is here!

Ella • Archer Knox 💙 July.08.2017

Original due date: July 20th

Born: July 8th

7lbs 10oz ❤️

My original plan was no pitocin, no epidural, and no c section. I ended up with all 3. After laboring for 24 hours (starting at noon on July 7th, waters broke spontaneously at 8pm, GBS+), being fully dilated to 10 cm and pushing for 3 hours I ended up having an emergency c section because my little guy's head was too large to pass through my pelvis and head down the birth canal. Nowhere near the birth plan I wanted, and I am disappointed, but both my son and I are doing well and that's what truly matters. (His eye, shoulder, and back ended up bruised from how hard I was pushing! I really didn't want a c section.)

Welcome to the world, Archer Knox.