Drug addicted husband

I need advise! I need to hear for someone who has beed in this situation before, so my husband and I have been together for 7 years he never did drugs all he did was drink he was a drug free person and didn't like to be around people who did drugs, I use to smoke weed and he made me stop 2010. And in 2016 we became pregnant during my pregnancy is when he started to take pain killers (I don't know exactly what kind but he did admit to me that they were proscribed drugs ) he would get them from a friend who's grandma had cancer but never took the pills. In March of 2017 his friend stopped selling him the pills. He said that he became really sick (withdrawals) and needed more pills but couldn't find any to buy, so he turned to heroin 4 months ago. And can't stop I just found out 3 weeks ago that he's been doing heroin and the whole story . at first he would deny it now he doesnt he works Monday through Friday and works over 12 hours a day but in reality hes off by 4 or 5 and the rest of the hours is him lit doing drugs and on Saturday amd Sundays he take of says he's going to the store and always comes back high . what should I do? Should I leave him? I've tried to help and he said he don't need my help. I talked to his family and they are no help I've tried everything and nothing ! Nothing seems to help I don't know what to do, when he's high im always in a bad mood . should I leave him or stag and keep trying to help ??? I don't know what to do my daughter was born march and I've been going through postpartum depression and anxiety .I don't work I have no financial help he's my only support he's been spending money that we don't have on drugs. If anyone had any kind of advise please help? And also he refuses to go to rehab