Crazy Birth Story


So took 9 days for me to write but my labor was crazy and so stressful. I went into l&d; around on a Wednesday night because the swelling in my feet was so horrible that it looked like two bubbles on my feet. I got there and was having small contractions that they just said were my uterus being irritable. My bp wasn't high at all so they didn't take it too seriously and just thought the swelling was regular pregnancy swelling. Thank god it was my doctor on call (I have been seeing him since I was 14 and I'm now 22, he is my favorite doctor ever) he ordered labs to see what was going on and turned out I had protein in my urine and my platelet count was crazy low even with me taking iron pills for the last month. It was 3am by that time and he decided to keep me overnight for a 24 hour urine but around 8am on Thursday and decided to do labs again since he wanted to know asap if my numbers for the platelet count had gone up by any chance and a couple hours later the nurse came in and said starting at 6pm that night they would start me on cervidil and at 5am Pitocin since my labs came back and my platelet count was lower than before. So 6pm came around and they gave me cervidil with some nubain so I could sleep, at 3am I woke up wanting to pee so bad i stood up to walk over to the restroom and started, what I thought at the time was peeing, so I took a big step toward the restroom and felt like I turned a water hose on. I pressed the nurse button and said I think my water broke. When she came in she said are you sure it's not per. Then I looked down and said if it is that's a lot of pee and I'm still peeing even when I'm trying so hard not to. So then she said if that's definitely your water broken. Then walked me back to the bed and checked my cervix to where I was 4cm and 75%. I went back to sleep and they woke me up at 5 for the pitocin. It started working immediately and exactly how they wanted. I still got nubain so I could sleep since my back labor was horrible without the nubain. I was finally 9 1/2cm and fully effaced at 4:30pm on June 30th, they waited 30 minutes and started everything to get ready for me to start pushing. As soon as it turned 5:01 I started to push, the first set of 3 pushes I did I asked which one of those was the one I was supposed to push like and she said the second one so from there on out it was. On the last set of pushes we lost her heartbeat of course I got crazy worried and I guess my adrenaline kicked in cause my doctor was worried too and said that if I could do four pushes cause he wants her out in the next couple of sets and that's when I went into mommy mode and pushed 6 times that last time till she was out., I pushed for a total of 31 minutes 😁. She came out crying and beautiful, they put her on my chest and I thought everything was perfect at that time with her in my arms for the first time. Then they took her from me to clean her up and I stared to feel really tired. That's when my husband was telling me not to close my eyes, I asked if everything was okay and he said the umbilicals cord came undone from the placenta and that the placenta ruptured in there. I looked down and my doctor is literally scooping out my placenta piece by piece with his hands, there was so much blood everywhere, more than usual births. But about 10 minutes went past and he finally got it all out. Everything from there on out was great. My baby girl was 7lbs 3oz and 19.5 inches. She does have a bad lip tie with a small mouth so I can't breast feed so it's pumping and feeding till I can get it fixed but she is healthy and beautiful. I would go through everything 100 more times if that means just having her in my arms. My little Annakay Mae 💖