currently on clomid ttc baby number 2

Hi everyone, just wanted to share my story in the hopes that others are in the same boat and would love to hear their story too. Me and partner been together for 4 years we have a little boy already and have been ttc our second child for just over 2 years now with no luck. We have both been to the docs (NHS) and had all relevant tests done which all came back normal fortunately our doctor agreed with how long we have been trying for to give my ovaries abit of boost and put me on 50mg of clomid for 3 months,  I take this on the 2nd day of my period to the 6th day then 1 week after that I ovulate so really doc helping us pin point my ovulation. I had blood tests done whilst take my clomid to make sure my body/ hormones are reacting good with the clomid. Anyway 3 months gone by still no luck went back to doctors for review and to see how my bloods were, doc confirmed my bloods was great and infact my body has reacted better then what they should be just on 50mg of clomid 🙄 so said he would give me another 3 months of 50mg clomid but after that if I still have no luck then we will have to have <a href="">ivf</a> and be referred to a private clinic as We already have 1 child the NHS will not be able to do anything else to help. We have both been to  a private clinic just for our piece of mind and had more in depth tests which again all came back normal I'm soooo frustrated now why can't I get pregnant? Are we just not meant to have another child? I'm really starting to take it all to heart and be super sensitive about. Friends and work colleagues are getting pregnant and Evan finishing their maternity leave and ready for coming back and here I am stuck in same situation 😩 my partner is very chilled out man but Evan he is starting to get frustrated now. To make it worse we got caught on with our first in the first month of deciding to try so think we was over confident that it wouldn't take long this time round. I just keep thinking but there has to be some reason why we not getting pregnant Evan thou all medically professionals have said we are fine and I'm Evan on clomid that really I shouldn't need if I'm fine and still nothing. Please someone give me some hope 😭