Im so fed up and dont know if I can do it anymore

My boyfriend has terrible moods. He hates everything and seems to find no enjoyment in anything anymore, at least thats what he thinks. On the odd occasion we go out somewhere we still have a laugh and hes fine. But most of the time now hes either working or in a mood. He hates his job but refuses to look for anything better. He goes on about how he hates it here (he moved to my city to live together). I try my best to keep him happy but i dont know what to do anymore and its ruining my own life. But its been over 4 years and i love him too much to imagine life without him.

I had an awful day and work but came home and acted bubbly but hes just thrown a tantrum as always. In the shop he just ran off! And hes barely spoken to me at all other than to complain or say how much he hates it.

Hes like a child and it really grinds on me lately. He also never wants sex anymore whereas it used to be a big part of our relationship, instead he just masturbates every day.

Im partly worried hes suffering from depression but he wont admit or consider it . I honestly dont know what to do. I dont want to lose him but then he isnt himself anymore. Hes like an empty shell just hating everything including me.

He just has these tantrums of not talking to me and being mean then later we will be talking like normal again and any thoughts i had to give up go away again.

This may be more of a rant but any advice would be appreciated 😞