Hard to Have Faith

Hi all, I'm 14 and have been raised a Christian my whole life. However, my struggles with God began when my mom started verbally and physically abusing me when I was 10. I never knew how to process my hurt and ended up getting angry at not only myself and God. I began to lose myself, self-harming and becoming depressed because my mom kept abusing me and no one in my family would stand up to her (rather, they would tell me not to say anything). I started praying, begging God to save me from this personal hell of mine, but there was no change. 2 years after I started praying about my situation I stopped. I felt God had abandoned me, or that this was somehow my fault and he was punishing me. I'm trying to think He has a plan for me but it's so so hard because I feel so worthless all the time. Please, does anyone have any words of advice to help?