Is my husband nesting..??


My husband, my sweet, sweet husband, is freaking himself out.

I just turned 34 weeks pregnant, and yes, going a little over the top when it comes to preparing for the baby--but I feel like my husband got the nesting/anxiety bug TEN TIMES HARDER than I did.

For example:

This man wakes up several times at night because he thinks I've gone into labor. He fully sits up in bed and starts talking about what we need to take to the hospital, apologizing for the car seat that's still not been installed, feeling bad about not having a full tank of gas in the car--poor thing is so anxious and nervous!

Have any of you mommas gone through something similar with your husbands? How did you deal with it?

... this post is partially because I adore my husband and want to look after him, but mostly because I would like sleep.