Chemical pregnancy

A little background - My hubby and I have been TTC for over 2 years with no luck. I went to the dr and had blood tests done as well as multiple sonograms to make my sure my uterus and what-not are functioning properly - everything came over fine. I'm having a hard time getting my hubby in to be checked though. We've been very vigilant about tracking my cycles and doing ovulation tests every month but decided to take a break and hopefully relieve some of the pressure/stress.

All that aside, I feel like something is off and I was wondering if there is any way to tell if you've had a chemical pregnancy without taking any kind of tests. My period normally lasts 2-3 days and I'm going on day 7 of spotting. It started really heavy and on day two I passed a very large clot. I want to talk to my hubby about this but worry about the idea hurting him..and if that did happen I can't help but wonder what I did wrong..